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Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource ' SIDES'
This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 2022arXiv220412827B (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:sides_bolshoi202, year=2022, title={ {SIDES}}, author={Béthermin, M.}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {CeSAM} Virtual Observatory Server} }
Simulated Infrared Dusty Extragalactic Sky (SIDES) is a simulation of the extragalactic sky in the far-infrared and the millimetre domain, including clustering, based on dark-matter simulations and empirical prescriptions.
The initial paper presenting the method used to build the initial 2 deg² simulated catalogue and its application to continuum observables is Béthermin, Wu, Lagache, et al. (2017A&A...607A..89B). Please refer to this paper to introduce SIDES.
The new python version of the code (pySIDES, is described in Béthermin, Gkogkou, Van Cuyck, et al. (submitted, 2022arXiv220412827B). This paper also introduces the modelling of the main emission lines observables in the millimetre ([CII], CO, [CI]) and discusses the implication for line intensity mapping. Please refer to this paper if you use the line-related observables.
This resource contains the pySIDES catalogue (2022) created using the Bolshoi simulation. To get the 2017 catalogue and other products (simulated CONCERTO cubes), please visit SIDES web site (
Sorted alphabetically. [Sort by DB column index]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
dec | Dec | Simulated Declination | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
dlum | dLum | Luminosity distance | Mpc | pos.distance |
ici10 | i[CI](1-0) | Flux of [CI](1-0) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
ici21 | i[CII](2-1) | Flux of [CI](2-1) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
icii_de_looze | i[CII] de Looze | Flux of [CII] line using the DL14 relation |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
icii_lagache | i[CII] Lagache | Flux of [CII] line using the L18 relation |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
ico10 | iCO(1-0) | Flux of the CO(1-0) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.CO |
ico21 | iCO(2-1) | Flux of the CO(2-1) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.CO |
ico32 | iCO(3-2) | Flux of the CO(3-2) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.CO |
ico43 | iCO(4-3) | Flux of the CO(4-3) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.CO |
ico54 | iCO(5-4) | Flux of the CO(5-4) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.CO |
ico65 | iCO(6-5) | Flux of the CO(6-5) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.CO |
ico76 | iCO(7-6) | Flux of the CO(7-6) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.CO |
ico87 | iCO(8-7) | Flux of the CO(8-7) line |**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.CO |
index | Index | Internal identifier | N/A |;meta.main |
issb | isSB | Staburst flag (0:normal, 1: starburst) | N/A | meta.code |
lcii_de_looze | L[CII] de Looze | Luminosity of [CII] line using the DL14 relation | solLum | phys.luminosity;em.line |
lcii_lagache | L[CII] Lagache | Luminosity of [CII] line using the L18 relation | solLum | phys.luminosity;em.line |
lfir | LFIR | Far Infrared luminosity | solLum | phys.luminosity;em.IR |
lir | LIR | Infrared luminosity | solLum | phys.luminosity;em.IR |
lprimco10 | Lprim CO(1-0) | Pseudo luminosity of CO(1-0) |**-1.pc**2 | phys.luminosity;em.line.CO |
mhalo | mHalo | Host halo mass | solMass | phys.mass |
mstar | mStar | Stellar mass | solMass | phys.mass |
mu | mu | Lensing magnification | N/A | arith.factor |
qflag | qFlag | Quenching flag (0: star-forming, 1: passive) | N/A | meta.code |
ra | RA | Simulated Right Ascension | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
redshift | Redshift | Redshift | N/A | src.redshift |
s100 | S100 | 100 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density;em.IR.60-100um |
s1100 | S1100 | 1100 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
s160 | S160 | 160 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
s2000 | S2000 | 2000 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
s24 | S24 | 24 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um |
s250 | S250 | 250 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
s350 | S350 | 350 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
s500 | S500 | 500 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
s70 | S70 | 70 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density;em.IR.60-100um |
s850 | S850 | 850 microns monochromatic flux density | Jy | phot.flux; |
sfr | SFR | Star Formation Rate | solMass/yr | |
smips24 | sMIPS24 | MIPS 24 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um |
snika1200 | sNIKA1200 | NIKA2 1200 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
snika2000 | sNIKA2000 | NIKA2 2000 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
spacs100 | sPACS100 | PACS 100 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density;em.IR.60-100um |
spacs160 | sPACS160 | PACS 160 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
spacs70 | sPACS70 | PACS 70 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density;em.IR.60-100um |
sspire250 | sSPIRE250 | SPIRE 250 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
sspire350 | sSPIRE350 | SPIRE 350 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
sspire500 | sSPIRE500 | SPIRE 500 micron flux density | Jy | phot.flux.density; |
umean | uMean | Intensity of the radiation field | N/A | phys |
Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.
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