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Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'ASPIC VIPERS'
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:aspic_vipers_w1, year=2021, title={{ASPIC} {VIPERS}}, author={Scodeggio et al. and Moutard et al. and {ASPIC} team}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {CeSAM} Virtual Observatory Server} }
This resource contains the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Survey (VIPERS [1]) second data release catalogue supplemented by value-added products generated by ASPIC [2].
The tabular data is composed of data from several origins:
On a part of the VIPERS W1 field, there are VISTA-VIDEO observations. This resource contains a w1 table with all the W1 sources, and a w1_video table with the VISTA-VIDEO data added and used for the physical property analysis.
You will find more information about the data on the ASPIC web site.
ASPIC (Archives Spectrophotométriques Publiques Intégrées au CeSAM) is the public spectro-photometric archive of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille data-centre (CeSAM, Centre de donnéeS Astrophysiques de Marseille). We give access to spectro-photometric data with value additions like physical parameters, photometric redshifts, and spectra line measurements.
We kindly request all papers using VIPERS data to add the following text to their acknowledgement section: This paper uses data from the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS). VIPERS has been performed using the ESO Very Large Telescope, under the "Large Programme" 182.A-0886. The participating institutions and funding agencies are listed at
This work is based in part on observations obtained with WIRCam, a joint project of CFHT, Taiwan, Korea, Canada and France. The CFHT is operated by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, the Institut National des Science de l’Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. This work is based in part on observations made with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX). GALEX is a NASA Small Explorer, whose mission was developed in cooperation with the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) of France and the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology. GALEX is operated for NASA by the California Institute of Technology under NASA contract NAS5-98034. This work is based in part on data products produced at TERAPIX available at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre as part of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, a collaborative project of NRC and CNRS. The TERAPIX team has performed the reduction of all the WIRCAM images and the preparation of the catalogues matched with the T0007 CFHTLS data release.
Research work benefiting from the use of ASPIC data at CeSAM should include the following acknowledgement in publications: “This research has made use of the ASPIC database, operated at CeSAM/LAM, Marseille, France.”
[1] | |
[2] | Archives Spectrophotométriques Publiques Intégrées au CeSAM, |
[3] | |
[4] | |
[5] | |
[6] | |
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
vipers_id | vipers_id | VIPERS unique identifier | N/A |;meta.main |
alpha | alpha | Right Ascension (J2000) | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
delta | delta | Declination (J2000) | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
id_cfhtls_t07 | id_cfhtls_t07 | CFHTLS T0007 unique identifier | N/A | |
zspec | zspec | Spectroscopic redshift | N/A | src.redshift |
zflg | zflg | ASPIC simplified redshift reliability flag | N/A | meta.code.qual;src.redshift |
zflg_vipers | zflg_vipers | VIPERS redshift reliability flag | N/A | meta.code.qual;src.redshift |
selmag | selmag | i AB selection magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
u_t07 | u_T07 | CFHTLS T0007 u* band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
erru_t07 | erru_T07 | Mean error on u_T07 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U |
g_t07 | g_T07 | CFHTLS T0007 g’ band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
errg_t07 | errg_T07 | Mean error on g_T07 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B |
r_t07 | r_T07 | CFHTLS T0007 r’ band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
errr_t07 | errr_T07 | Mean error on r_T07 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R |
i_t07 | i_T07 | CFHTLS T0007 i’ band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
erri_t07 | erri_T07 | Mean error on i_T07 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
iy_t07 | iy_T07 | CFHTLS y (i2) band magnitude | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
erriy_t07 | erriy_T07 | Mean error on iy_T07 | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
z_t07 | z_T07 | CFHTLS z’ band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
errz_t07 | errz_T07 | Mean error on z_T07 | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I |
k_video | K_VIDEO | VISTA VIDEO K band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
errk_video | errK_VIDEO | Mean error on k_video | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
ks_wircam | Ks_WIRCAM | WIRCAM Ks band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.IR.K |
errks_wircam | errKs_WIRCAM | Mean error on ks_wircam | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K |
fuv | FUV | GALEX FUV band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.uv.100-200nm |
errfuv | errFUV | Mean error on FUV | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.uv.100-200nm |
nuv | NUV | GALEX NUV band magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.uv.200-300nm |
errnuv | errNUV | Mean error on NUV | mag | stat.error;phot.mag;em.uv.200-300nm |
ebv | eBV | E(B-V) absorption | N/A | phys.absorption |
oii_3728_flux | OII_3728_flux | Comparat et al. OII flux |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
oii_3728_fluxerr | OII_3728_fluxerr | Uncertainty on Comparat et al. OII flux |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
oii_3728_ew | OII_3728_ew | Comparat et al. estimate of OII line equivalent width | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
oiii_4960_flux | OIII_4960_flux | Comparat et al. OIII 4960 flux |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.OIII |
oiii_4960_fluxerr | OIII_4960_fluxerr | Uncertainty on Comparat et al. OIII 4960 flux |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.OIII |
oiii_4960_ew | OIII_4960_ew | Comparat et al. estimate of OIII 4960 line equivalent width | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.OIII |
oiii_5007_flux | OIII_5007_flux | Comparat et al. OIII 5007 flux |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.OIII |
oiii_5007_fluxerr | OIII_5007_fluxerr | Uncertainty on Comparat et al. OIII 5007 flux |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.OIII |
oiii_5007_ew | OIII_5007_ew | Comparat et al. estimate of OIII 5007 line equivalent width | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.OIII |
hdelta_4102_flux | Hdeta_4102_flux | Comparat et al. Hdelta 4102 flux |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta |
hdelta_4102_fluxerr | Hdelta_4102_fluxerr | Uncertainty on Comparat et al. Hdelta 4102 flux |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta |
hdelta_4102_ew | Hdelta_4102_ew | Comparat et al. estimate of Hdelta 4102 line equivalent width | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hdelta |
hgamma_4341_flux | Hgamma_4341_flux | Comparat et al. Hgamma 4341 flux |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma |
hgamma_4341_fluxerr | Hgamma_4341_fluxerr | Uncertainty on Comparat et al. Hgamma 4341 flux |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma |
hgamma_4341_ew | Hgamma_4341_ew | Comparat et al. estimate of Hgamma 4341 line equivalent width | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hgamma |
hbeta_4862_flux | Hbeta_4862_flux | Comparat et al. Hbeta 4862 flux |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta |
hbeta_4862_fluxerr | Hbeta_4862_fluxerr | Uncertainty on Comparat et al. Hbeta 4862 flux |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta |
hbeta_4862_ew | Hbeta_4862_ew | Comparat et al. estimate of Hbeta 4862 line equivalent width | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta |
mls_zphot | MLS_zphot | Best photometric redshift from VIPERS-MLS Le Phare analysis | N/A | src.redshift.phot |
mls_mass_med | MLS_mass_med | Median stellar mass from VIPERS-MLS Le Phare analysis | log(solMass) | phys.mass;;stat.median;meta.modelled |
mls_sfr_med | MLS_SFR_med | Median SFR from VIPERS-MLS Le Phare analysis | log(solMass/yr) | phys.SFR;;meta.modelled |
mls_ssfr_med | MLS_sSFR_med | Median specific SFR from VIPERS-MLS Le Phare analysis | log(yr**-1) | phys.SFR;;meta.modelled |
mass_best | mass_best | Stellar mass form the best fitting model (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(solMass) | phys.mass;;meta.modelled |
mass_inf | mass_inf | Stellar mass 16% lower value from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(solMass) | phys.mass;;stat.min;meta.modelled |
mass_med | mass_med | Median stellar mass from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(solMass) | phys.mass;;stat.median;meta.modelled |
mass_sup | mass_sup | Stellar mass 16% higher value from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(solMass) | phys.mass;;stat.max;meta.modelled |
sfr_best | SFR_best | Star Formation Rate form the best fitting model (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(solMass/yr) | phys.SFR;;meta.modelled |
sfr_inf | SFR_inf | Star Formation Rate 16% lower value from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(solMass/yr) | phys.SFR;;stat.min;meta.modelled |
sfr_med | SFR_med | Median Star Formation Rate from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(solMass/yr) | phys.SFR;;stat.median;meta.modelled |
sfr_sup | SFR_sup | Star Formation Rate 16% higher value from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(solMass/yr) | phys.SFR;;stat.max;meta.modelled |
ssfr_best | sSFR_best | Specific Star Formation Rate form the best fitting model (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(yr**-1) | phys.SFR;;meta.modelled |
ssfr_inf | sSFR_inf | Specific Star Formation Rate 16% lower value from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(yr**-1) | phys.SFR;;stat.min;meta.modelled |
ssfr_med | sSFR_med | Median specific Star Formation Rate from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(yr**-1) | phys.SFR;;stat.median;meta.modelled |
ssfr_sup | sSFR_sup | Specific Star Formation Rate 16% higher value from the analysis (Le Phare ASPIC run) | log(yr**-1) | phys.SFR;;stat.max;meta.modelled |
mag_abs_fuv | mag_abs_FUV | GALEX FUV absolute AB magnitude (Le Phare ASPIC run) | mag | phys.magAbs;em.uv.100-200nm;;meta.modelled |
mag_abs_nuv | mag_abs_NUV | GALEX NUV absolute AB magnitude (Le Phare ASPIC run) | mag | phys.magAbs;em.uv.200-300nm;;meta.modelled |
mag_abs_mcam_u | mag_abs_MCAM_u | CFHT u* absolute AB magnitude (Le Phare ASPIC run) | mag | phys.magAbs;em.opt.U;;meta.modelled |
mag_abs_mcam_g | mag_abs_MCAM_g | CFHT g’ absolute AB magnitude (Le Phare ASPIC run) | mag | phys.magAbs;em.opt.B;;meta.modelled |
mag_abs_mcam_r | mag_abs_MCAM_r | CFHT r’ absolute AB magnitude (Le Phare ASPIC run) | mag | phys.magAbs;em.opt.R;;meta.modelled |
mag_abs_mcam_i | mag_abs_MCAM_i | CFHT i’ absolute AB magnitude (Le Phare ASPIC run) | mag | phys.magAbs;em.opt.I;;meta.modelled |
mag_abs_mcam_z | mag_abs_MCAM_z | CFHT z’ absolute AB magnitude (Le Phare ASPIC run) | mag | phys.magAbs;em.opt.I;;meta.modelled |
mag_abs_wircam_ks | mag_abs_WIRCAM_Ks | WIRCAM Ks absolute AB magnitude (Le Phare ASPIC run) | mag | phys.magAbs;em.IR.K;;meta.modelled |
mstar | mStar | Total stellar mass (CIGALE ASPIC run) | solMass | phys.mass;;meta.modelled |
mstar_err | mStar_err | Uncertainty on the total stellar mass (CIGALE ASPIC run) | solMass | stat.error;phys.mass;;meta.modelled |
sfr | SFR | Star Formation Rate (CIGALE ASPIC run) | solMass/yr | phys.SFR;;meta.modelled |
sfr_err | SFR_err | Uncertainty on the Star Formation Rate (CIGALE ASPIC run) | solMass/yr | stat.error;phys.SFR;;meta.modelled |
em_lyalpha_flux | em_Lyalpha_flux | SLINEFIT Lyman alpha measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Lyalpha |
em_lyalpha_errflux | em_Lyalpha_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Lyman alpha measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Lyalpha |
em_lyalpha_fluxbkg | em_Lyalpha_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Lyman alpha background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Lyalpha;instr.background |
em_lyalpha_errfluxbkg | em_Lyalpha_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Lyman alpha background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Lyalpha;instr.background |
em_lyalpha_ew | em_Lyalpha_EW | SLINEFIT Lyman alpha equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Lyalpha |
em_lyalpha_errew | em_Lyalpha_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Lyman alpha equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Lyalpha |
em_civ_1548_flux | em_CIV_1548_flux | SLINEFIT CIV measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_civ_1548_errflux | em_CIV_1548_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT CIV measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_civ_1548_fluxbkg | em_CIV_1548_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT CIV background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_civ_1548_errfluxbkg | em_CIV_1548_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT CIV background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_civ_1548_ew | em_CIV_1548_EW | SLINEFIT CIV equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_civ_1548_errew | em_CIV_1548_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT CIV equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_ciii_1908_flux | em_CIII_1908_flux | SLINEFIT CIII measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_ciii_1908_errflux | em_CIII_1908_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT CIII measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_ciii_1908_fluxbkg | em_CIII_1908_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT CIII background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_ciii_1908_errfluxbkg | em_CIII_1908_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT CIII background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_ciii_1908_ew | em_CIII_1908_EW | SLINEFIT CIII equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_ciii_1908_errew | em_CIII_1908_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT CIII equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2344_flux | abs_FeII_2344_flux | SLINEFIT FeII 2344 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2344_errflux | abs_FeII_2344_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2344 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2344_fluxbkg | abs_FeII_2344_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT FeII 2344 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2344_errfluxbkg | abs_FeII_2344_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2344 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2344_ew | abs_FeII_2344_EW | SLINEFIT FeII 2344 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2344_errew | abs_FeII_2344_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2344 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2380_1_flux | abs_FeII_2380_1_flux | SLINEFIT FeII 2380_1 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2380_1_errflux | abs_FeII_2380_1_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2380_1 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2380_1_fluxbkg | abs_FeII_2380_1_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT FeII 2380_1 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2380_1_errfluxbkg | abs_FeII_2380_1_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2380_1 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2380_1_ew | abs_FeII_2380_1_EW | SLINEFIT FeII 2380_1 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2380_1_errew | abs_FeII_2380_1_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2380_1 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2380_2_flux | abs_FeII_2380_2_flux | SLINEFIT FeII 2380_2 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2380_2_errflux | abs_FeII_2380_2_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2380_2 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2380_2_fluxbkg | abs_FeII_2380_2_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT FeII 2380_2 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2380_2_errfluxbkg | abs_FeII_2380_2_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2380_2 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2380_2_ew | abs_FeII_2380_2_EW | SLINEFIT FeII 2380_2 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2380_2_errew | abs_FeII_2380_2_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2380_2 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2600_1_flux | abs_FeII_2600_1_flux | SLINEFIT FeII 2600_1 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2600_1_errflux | abs_FeII_2600_1_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2600_1 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2600_1_fluxbkg | abs_FeII_2600_1_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT FeII 2600_1 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2600_1_errfluxbkg | abs_FeII_2600_1_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2600_1 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2600_1_ew | abs_FeII_2600_1_EW | SLINEFIT FeII 2600_1 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2600_1_errew | abs_FeII_2600_1_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2600_1 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2600_2_flux | abs_FeII_2600_2_flux | SLINEFIT FeII 2600_2 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2600_2_errflux | abs_FeII_2600_2_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2600_2 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_feii_2600_2_fluxbkg | abs_FeII_2600_2_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT FeII 2600_2 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2600_2_errfluxbkg | abs_FeII_2600_2_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2600_2 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_feii_2600_2_ew | abs_FeII_2600_2_EW | SLINEFIT FeII 2600_2 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_feii_2600_2_errew | abs_FeII_2600_2_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeII 2600_2 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_mgii_2797_flux | abs_MgII_2797_flux | SLINEFIT MgII 2797 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_mgii_2797_errflux | abs_MgII_2797_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2797 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_mgii_2797_fluxbkg | abs_MgII_2797_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT MgII 2797 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_mgii_2797_errfluxbkg | abs_MgII_2797_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2797 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_mgii_2797_ew | abs_MgII_2797_EW | SLINEFIT MgII 2797 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_mgii_2797_errew | abs_MgII_2797_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2797 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_mgii_2799_flux | em_MgII_2799_flux | SLINEFIT MgII 2799 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_mgii_2799_errflux | em_MgII_2799_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2799 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_mgii_2799_fluxbkg | em_MgII_2799_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT MgII 2799 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_mgii_2799_errfluxbkg | em_MgII_2799_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2799 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_mgii_2799_ew | em_MgII_2799_EW | SLINEFIT MgII 2799 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_mgii_2799_errew | em_MgII_2799_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2799 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_mgii_2804_flux | abs_MgII_2804_flux | SLINEFIT MgII 2804 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_mgii_2804_errflux | abs_MgII_2804_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2804 measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_mgii_2804_fluxbkg | abs_MgII_2804_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT MgII 2804 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_mgii_2804_errfluxbkg | abs_MgII_2804_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2804 background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_mgii_2804_ew | abs_MgII_2804_EW | SLINEFIT MgII 2804 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_mgii_2804_errew | abs_MgII_2804_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgII 2804 equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_fei_3582_flux | abs_FeI_3582_flux | SLINEFIT FeI measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_fei_3582_errflux | abs_FeI_3582_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeI measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_fei_3582_fluxbkg | abs_FeI_3582_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT FeI background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_fei_3582_errfluxbkg | abs_FeI_3582_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeI background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_fei_3582_ew | abs_FeI_3582_EW | SLINEFIT FeI equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_fei_3582_errew | abs_FeI_3582_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT FeI equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_oii_3727_1_flux | em_OII_3727_1_flux | SLINEFIT OII_1 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_oii_3727_1_errflux | em_OII_3727_1_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OII_1 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_oii_3727_1_fluxbkg | em_OII_3727_1_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT OII_1 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_oii_3727_1_errfluxbkg | em_OII_3727_1_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OII_1 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_oii_3727_1_ew | em_OII_3727_1_EW | SLINEFIT OII_1 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_oii_3727_1_errew | em_OII_3727_1_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OII_1 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_oii_3727_2_flux | em_OII_3727_2_flux | SLINEFIT OII_2 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_oii_3727_2_errflux | em_OII_3727_2_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OII_2 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_oii_3727_2_fluxbkg | em_OII_3727_2_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT OII_2 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_oii_3727_2_errfluxbkg | em_OII_3727_2_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OII_2 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_oii_3727_2_ew | em_OII_3727_2_EW | SLINEFIT OII_2 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_oii_3727_2_errew | em_02_3727_2_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OII_2 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_k_3934_flux | abs_K_3934_flux | SLINEFIT K measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_k_3934_errflux | abs_K_3934_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT K measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_k_3934_fluxbkg | abs_K_3934_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT K background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_k_3934_errfluxbkg | abs_K_3934_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT K background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_k_3934_ew | abs_K_3934_EW | SLINEFIT K equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_k_3934_errew | abs_K_3934_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT K equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_h_3969_flux | abs_H_3969_flux | SLINEFIT H measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_h_3969_errflux | abs_H_3969_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT H measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_h_3969_fluxbkg | abs_H_3969_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT H background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_h_3969_errfluxbkg | abs_H_3969_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT H background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_h_3969_ew | abs_H_3969_ew | SLINEFIT H equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_h_3969_errew | abs_H_3969_errew | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT H equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_hdelta_flux | em_Hdelta_flux | SLINEFIT Hdelta measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta |
em_hdelta_errflux | em_Hdelta_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hdelta measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta |
em_hdelta_fluxbkg | em_Hdelta_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Hdelta background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta;instr.background |
em_hdelta_errfluxbkg | em_Hdelta_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hdelta background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta;instr.background |
em_hdelta_ew | em_Hdelta_EW | SLINEFIT Hdelta equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hdelta |
em_hdelta_errew | em_Hdelta_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hdelta equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hdelta |
abs_hdelta_4102_flux | abs_Hdelta_4102_flux | SLINEFIT Hdelta measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta |
abs_hdelta_4102_errflux | abs_Hdelta_4102_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hdelta measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta |
abs_hdelta_4102_fluxbkg | abs_Hdelta_4102_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Hdelta background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta;instr.background |
abs_hdelta_4102_errfluxbkg | abs_Hdelta_4102_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hdelta background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hdelta;instr.background |
abs_hdelta_4102_ew | abs_Hdelta_4102_EW | SLINEFIT Hdelta equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hdelta |
abs_hdelta_4102_errew | abs_Hdelta_4102_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hdelta equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hdelta |
abs_gband_4304_flux | abs_Gband_4304_flux | SLINEFIT Gband measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_gband_4304_errflux | abs_Gband_4304_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Gband measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_gband_4304_fluxbkg | abs_Gband_4304_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Gband background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_gband_4304_errfluxbkg | abs_Gband_4304_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Gband background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_gband_4304_ew | abs_Gband_4304_EW | SLINEFIT Gband equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_gband_4304_errew | abs_Gband_4304_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Gband equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_hgamma_flux | em_Hgamma_flux | SLINEFIT Hgamma measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma |
em_hgamma_errflux | em_Hgamma_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hgamma measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma |
em_hgamma_fluxbkg | em_Hgamma_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Hgamma background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma;instr.background |
em_hgamma_errfluxbkg | em_Hgamma_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hgamma background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma;instr.background |
em_hgamma_ew | em_Hgamma_EW | SLINEFIT Hgamma equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hgamma |
em_hgamma_errew | em_Hgamma_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hgamma equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hgamma |
abs_hgamma_4341_flux | abs_Hgamma_4341_flux | SLINEFIT Hgamma measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma |
abs_hgamma_4341_errflux | abs_Hgamma_4341_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hgamma measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma |
abs_hgamma_4341_fluxbkg | abs_Hgamma_4341_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Hgamma background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma;instr.background |
abs_hgamma_4341_errfluxbkg | abs_Hgamma_4341_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hgamma background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hgamma;instr.background |
abs_hgamma_4341_ew | abs_Hgamma_4341_EW | SLINEFIT Hgamma equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hgamma |
abs_hgamma_4341_errew | abs_Hgamma_4341_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hgamma equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hgamma |
em_hbeta_flux | em_Hbeta_flux | SLINEFIT Hbeta measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta |
em_hbeta_errflux | em_Hbeta_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hbeta measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta |
em_hbeta_fluxbkg | em_Hbeta_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Hbeta background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta;instr.background |
em_hbeta_errfluxbkg | em_Hbeta_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hbeta background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta;instr.background |
em_hbeta_ew | em_Hbeta_EW | SLINEFIT Hbeta equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta |
em_hbeta_errew | em_Hbeta_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hbeta equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta |
abs_hbeta_4862_flux | abs_Hbeta_4862_flux | SLINEFIT Hbeta measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta |
abs_hbeta_4862_errflux | abs_Hbeta_4862_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hbeta measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta |
abs_hbeta_4862_fluxbkg | abs_Hbeta_4862_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Hbeta background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta;instr.background |
abs_hbeta_4862_errfluxbkg | abs_Hbeta_4862_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hbeta background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Hbeta;instr.background |
abs_hbeta_4862_ew | abs_Hbeta_4862_EW | SLINEFIT Hbeta equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta |
abs_hbeta_4862_errew | abs_Hbeta_4862_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Hbeta equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta |
em_oiii_5007_1_flux | em_OIII_5007_1_flux | SLINEFIT OIII_1 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.OIII |
em_oiii_5007_1_errflux | em_OIII_5007_1_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OIII_1 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.OIII |
em_oiii_5007_1_fluxbkg | em_OIII_5007_1_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT OIII_1 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.OIII;instr.background |
em_oiii_5007_1_errfluxbkg | em_OIII_5007_1_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OIII_1 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.OIII;instr.background |
em_oiii_5007_1_ew | em_OIII_5007_1_EW | SLINEFIT OIII_1 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.OIII |
em_oiii_5007_1_errew | em_OIII_5007_1_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OIII_1 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.OIII |
em_oiii_5007_2_flux | em_OIII_5007_2_flux | SLINEFIT OIII_2 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.OIII |
em_oiii_5007_2_errflux | em_OIII_5007_2_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OIII_2 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.OIII |
em_oiii_5007_2_fluxbkg | em_OIII_5007_2_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT OIII_2 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.OIII;instr.background |
em_oiii_5007_2_errfluxbkg | em_OIII_5007_2_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OIII_2 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.OIII;instr.background |
em_oiii_5007_2_ew | em_OIII_5007_2_EW | SLINEFIT OIII_2 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.OIII |
em_oiii_5007_2_errew | em_OIII_5007_2_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT OIII_2 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.OIII |
abs_mgi_5176_flux | abs_MgI_5176_flux | SLINEFIT MgI measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_mgi_5176_errflux | abs_MgI_5176_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgI measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_mgi_5176_fluxbkg | abs_MgI_5176_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT MgI background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_mgi_5176_errfluxbkg | abs_MgI_5176_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgI background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_mgi_5176_ew | abs_MgI_5176_EW | SLINEFIT MgI equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_mgi_5176_errew | abs_MgI_5176_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT MgI equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_nad_5895_flux | abs_NaD_5895_flux | SLINEFIT NaD measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
abs_nad_5895_errflux | abs_NaD_5895_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NaD measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
abs_nad_5895_fluxbkg | abs_NaD_5895_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT NaD background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_nad_5895_errfluxbkg | abs_NaD_5895_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NaD background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
abs_nad_5895_ew | abs_NaD_5895_EW | SLINEFIT NaD equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
abs_nad_5895_errew | abs_NaD_5895_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NaD equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_nii_6583_2_flux | em_NII_6583_2_flux | SLINEFIT NII_2 6583 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_nii_6583_2_errflux | em_NII_6583_2_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII_2 6583 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_nii_6583_2_fluxbkg | em_NII_6583_2_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT NII_2 6583 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_nii_6583_2_errfluxbkg | em_NII_6583_2_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII_2 6583 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_nii_6583_2_ew | em_NII_6583_2_EW | SLINEFIT NII_2 6583 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_nii_6583_2_errew | em_NII_6583_2_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII_2 6583 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_nii_6549_flux | em_NII_6549_flux | SLINEFIT NII 6549 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_nii_6549_errflux | em_NII_6549_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII 6549 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_nii_6549_fluxbkg | em_NII_6549_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT NII 6549 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_nii_6549_errfluxbkg | em_NII_6549_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII 6549 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_nii_6549_ew | em_NII_6549_EW | SLINEFIT NII 6549 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_nii_6549_errew | em_NII_6549_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII 6549 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_halpha_flux | em_Halpha_flux | SLINEFIT Halpha measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Halpha |
em_halpha_errflux | em_Halpha_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Halpha measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Halpha |
em_halpha_fluxbkg | em_Halpha_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Halpha background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Halpha;instr.background |
em_halpha_errfluxbkg | em_Halpha_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Halpha background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Halpha;instr.background |
em_halpha_ew | em_Halpha_EW | SLINEFIT Halpha equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Halpha |
em_halpha_errew | em_Halpha_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Halpha equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Halpha |
abs_halpha_6564_flux | abs_Halpha_6564_flux | SLINEFIT Halpha measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Halpha |
abs_halpha_6564_errflux | abs_Halpha_6564_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Halpha measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Halpha |
abs_halpha_6564_fluxbkg | abs_Halpha_6564_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT Halpha background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line.Halpha;instr.background |
abs_halpha_6564_errfluxbkg | abs_Halpha_6564_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Halpha background flux measure in absorption |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line.Halpha;instr.background |
abs_halpha_6564_ew | abs_Halpha_6564_EW | SLINEFIT Halpha equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Halpha |
abs_halpha_6564_errew | abs_Halpha_6564_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT Halpha equivalent width in absorption | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Halpha |
em_nii_6583_1_flux | em_NII_6583_1_flux | SLINEFIT NII_1 6583 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_nii_6583_1_errflux | em_NII_6583_1_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII_1 6583 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_nii_6583_1_fluxbkg | em_NII_6583_1_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT NII_1 6583 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_nii_6583_1_errfluxbkg | em_NII_6583_1_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII_1 6583 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_nii_6583_1_ew | em_NII_6583_1_EW | SLINEFIT NII_1 6583 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_nii_6583_1_errew | em_NII_6583_1_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT NII_1 6583 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_sii_6718_flux | em_SII_6718_flux | SLINEFIT SII 6718 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_sii_6718_errflux | em_SII_6718_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT SII 6718 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_sii_6718_fluxbkg | em_SII_6718_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT SII 6718 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_sii_6718_errfluxbkg | em_SII_6718_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT SII 6718 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_sii_6718_ew | em_SII_6718_EW | SLINEFIT SII 6718 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_sii_6718_errew | em_SII_6718_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT SII 6718 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_sii_6732_flux | em_SII_6732_flux | SLINEFIT SII 6732 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line |
em_sii_6732_errflux | em_SII_6732_errflux | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT SII 6732 measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line |
em_sii_6732_fluxbkg | em_SII_6732_fluxbkg | SLINEFIT SII 6732 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_sii_6732_errfluxbkg | em_SII_6732_errfluxbkg | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT SII 6732 background flux measure in emission |**-2.s**-1 | stat.error;phot.flux;em.line;instr.background |
em_sii_6732_ew | em_SII_6732_EW | SLINEFIT SII 6732 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
em_sii_6732_errew | em_SII_6732_errEW | Uncertainty on SLINEFIT SII 6732 equivalent width in emission | Angstrom | stat.error;spect.line.eqWidth;em.line |
spectrum_accref | Spectrum_accref | Access key to the VIPERS PDR-2 spectrum | N/A | |
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