CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server Public Tables


Matched: 24

TablenameTableinfoTable desc.Res desc.
aspic_6df.mainTable InfoN/A Physical parameters estimated by Le Phare and CIGALE for a selection of 6dF Galaxy Survey sources.
aspic_gama.g02Table InfoASPIC value added catalogue on GAMA G02: GAMA DR3 photometry and spectral features,GALEX photometry, WIRCam Ks and Y photometry, ASPIC physical parameters and spectra features. Photometry, physical parameters and spectral features of GAMA DR3 sources.
aspic_gama.g09g12g15Table InfoASPIC value added catalogue on GAMA G09, G12, and G15: GAMA DR3 photometry, MagPhys parameters, and spectral features, ASPIC physical parameters and spectra features. Photometry, physical parameters and spectral features of GAMA DR3 sources.
aspic_muse_wide.mainTable InfoMUSE-Wide DR1 photometry, physical parameters, and spectral features. Photometry, spectral features, and physical parameters of MUSE-Wide sources on GOODS-South field.
aspic_vipers.w1Table InfoVIPERS PDR-2 photometry, physical parameters, and spectral features of sources on W1 field. Photometry, physical parameters and spectral features of VIPERS PDR-2 sources.
aspic_vipers.w1_videoTable InfoVIPERS PDR-2 photometry, physical parameters, and spectral features of sources on W1-VIDEO field. Photometry, physical parameters and spectral features of VIPERS PDR-2 sources.
aspic_vipers.w4Table InfoVIPERS PDR-2 photometry, physical parameters, and spectral features of sources on W4 field. Photometry, physical parameters and spectral features of VIPERS PDR-2 sources.
aspic_vuds.cosmosTable InfoASPIC VUDS-DR1 COSMOS photometry, physical parameters, and spectral features. Photometry, spectral features, and physical parameters of VUDS (DR1) sources on COSMOS and ECDFS fields.
aspic_vuds.ecdfsTable InfoASPIC VUDS-DR1 ECDFS photometry, physical parameters, and spectral features. Photometry, spectral features, and physical parameters of VUDS (DR1) sources on COSMOS and ECDFS fields.
el_cosmos_dr1.catalogueTable InfoEL COSMOS DR1: modeled magnitude and emission line fluxes of COSMOS2015 sources. Synthetic emission line fluxes and spectra of COSMOS2015 sources.
el_cosmos_dr1.spectraTable InfoEL COSMOS DR1: modeled spectra of COSMOS2015 sources. Synthetic emission line fluxes and spectra of COSMOS2015 sources.
gama_dr3.spectraTable InfoN/A Spectra from the third data release (DR3) of GAMA.
ivoa.ObsCoreTable InfoThe IVOA-defined obscore table, containing generic metadata for datasets within this datacenter.Definition and support code for the ObsCore data model and table.
muse_wide_dr1.spectraTable Info MUSE-Wide (version 1.0) spectra on GOODS-South field. Spectra of MUSE-Wide (version 1.0) sources on GOODS-South field.
sides.bolshoi2022Table InfoN/A A simulation of the extragalactic sky including clustering based on empirical prescriptions.
tap_schema.columnsTable InfoColumns in tables available for ADQL querying. CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.groupsTable InfoColumns that are part of groups within tables available for ADQL querying. CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.key_columnsTable InfoColumns participating in foreign key relationships between tables available for ADQL querying. CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.keysTable InfoForeign key relationships between tables available for ADQL querying. CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.schemasTable InfoSchemas containing tables available for ADQL querying. CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.tablesTable InfoTables available for ADQL querying. CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
vipers_dr2.spectraTable InfoN/A Spectra from the second data release (PDR-2) of VIPERS.
vuds_dr1.spectraTable InfoVUDS DR1 spectra Spectra from the VIMOS Ultra–Deep Survey (VUDS) DR1 release
zcosmos_20k.spectraTable InfoN/A Spectra from the third data release (DR3) of zCOSMOS 20k bright.

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An overview over the tables available for ADQL querying within the CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server